Growing up

Chapter 6 – Our need for resolving good and bad
When the tension between the real and the ideal been most obvious and/or distressing to you? Describe the situation, what brought this tension into focus, and how you responded emotionally.
Review the skills (listed here) that can help you resolve your good/bad split. Confess your shortcomings to God and people. Receive forgiveness. Let go of the demand for the ideal. Accept “good enough” in yourself and others. Make sadness your ally instead of your enemy. Which skill is the most challenging to you?
Chapter 7 – Our need for authority and adulthood
Review the list of the skills (listed here) that can help you step into a position of authority and adulthood according to god’s design. Question authority and learn to accept the good and the bad. Take an inventory of your values and convictions. Address adults as adults, not parents. Develop your talents. Make sexuality a good thing. See guilt as a sign of growth, a sign of taking risks and, often, of showing us that we are attempting to become adults. Which skill is the most challenging to you?

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