Attachment vs Separateness

Chapter 4 – Our need for Attachment
How well are you able to attach to people?
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Luke 12:34
Whatever is taking up emotional energy, money, and time can be a bonding substitute. Which of the following attachment substitutes, if any, have you chosen? How has it worked in your life to help you avoid feelings of need and vulnerability? Work, Sexuality, Sports, Shopping, Hobbies, Religious activities, Food, Knowledge/information, Parenting, Rescuing or “one-way”relationships.
Chapter 5 – Our need for Separateness
Many of us have difficulty, sometimes, filtering out other people’s needs from our own. Do you experience problems in “keeping up” with all your responsibilities? Do you live with a sense of being overwhelmed by the demands of life? Do you tend to feel controlled by the needs and crises of others? Is it hard to filter out your own needs?
On a scale from 1 (No problem) to 10 (Impossible), how easy is it for you to set boundaries? Which do you find easier, taking care of yourself or taking care of there?

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