Plan B

September 27th
Chapter 3 – This Wasn’t in Plan A
Some of us hide our mistakes and failures, while others have learned to share them and bring them to the light of relationship. When do you find yourself using one or the other style? Where did you learn either to hide your mistakes or accept your failures?
Maturing growth is moving from a good place to a better place. It is, for example, finding someone to care deeply about and finding our love deepening further or having a passion for a job and deepening our satisfaction in it. What example of maturing growth have you seen in someone’s life or, ideally, experienced yourself?
Maturing growth deals with our “on schedule” parts. Restoring growth deals with our “behind schedule” parts. In light of this comparison, what growth do you need to do? If possible, give a specific example or two for each category.
When, if ever, has your immaturity or the parts of you that are “not yet finished”, brought you love? Describe that experience-or its opposite: a time when making mistakes has brought shaming, condemnation, or even rejection.

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