Wednesday September 13th
The focus for our wind-up session is to get together and enjoy each others company. Including: Dinner, worship, inspirational stories, and leadership equipping. Pot luck dinner will make the cooking entertaining and intriguing. Bring yourself and a friend with your favorite dish
.Reflection's of the past year ...........
1. How Successful am I?I would be more successful if…
2. How significant am I?I would be more significant if…
3. How fulfilled am I?I would be more fulfilled if...
4. How satisfied am I?I would be more satisfied if…
5. How happy am I?I would be happier if...
6. How much fun am I having?
I would have more fun if…
7. How secure am I?
I would be more secure if…
8. How peaceful am I?I would have more peace if…
1. Success (Key Concept: Goals)Success is accepting God's goals for our lives and by His grace,
becoming what He has called us to be (Joshua 1: 7-8, 2Peter 1:3-10, 3 John 2).
2. Significance (Key Concept: Time)What is forgotten in the passing of time is of little significance.
What is remembered for eternity is of greatest significance.
(Acts 5:33-40, 1 Corinthians 3: 13, I Timothy 4: 7-8)
3. Fulfillment (Key Concept: Role Preference)Fulfillment is discovering our own uniqueness in Christ and using our gifts to build
others up and glorify the Lord. (Matthew 25: 14-30, Romans 12: 1 -18, 2 Timothy 4:5.
4. Satisfaction (Key Concept: Quality)Satisfaction is living righteously and seeking to raise the quality of the relationships,
services and products with which we are involved (Proverbs 18: 24, Matthew 5:5, 2 Timothy 4:7)
5. Happiness (Key Concept: Wanting What You Have)Happiness is being thankful for what we do have rather than focusing on what we
don’t have (Phillippians 4:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, 1 Timothy 6 :6-7)
6. Fun (Key Concept: Uninhibited Spontaneity)The secret to fun is removing unbiblical blocks such as keeping up appearances
2 Samuel 6: 20-22, Romans 14:22, Galatians 1: 10, 5: 1).
7. Security (Key Concept: Relating to the Eternal)Insecurity comes when we depend on things that will pass away rather than on
things that will last forever (John 10: 27-29, Romans 8: 31-39, Ephesians 1: 13-14)
8. Peace (Establishing Internal Order)The peace of God is internal not external (Isaiah 32: 17, Jeremiah 6: 14, John 14: 27, Philippians 4: 6-7) *Peace on Earth is what we want. *Peace with God is something we already have. *Peace of God is something we need.
Stay tuned for the introduction of September's session "Hiding from Love" by Dr John Townsend