Changes That Heal
Session 1 – Celebrate Recovery Comfy Couch Room
Session 2 – Changes That Heal Prayer Room
December 28th – March 19th (12 Weeks) Wednesdays 6:45 pm - 9:15 pm
Celebrate Recovery is a recovery ministry based on biblical principles with a goal to let God work through us in providing His healing power through a Christ-centered program. This experience allows people to be "changed" spiritually by working through sound biblical principles. Participants open the door by sharing their experiences, strengths, and hopes with one another. In addition, they become willing to accept God's grace and forgiveness in solving life's problems. Celebrate Recovery provides a safe place to begin their journey of breaking out from their bondage and into God's grace, by helping them to start dealing with their life's hurts, hang-ups, and habits.
Changes That Heal: Christians are suffering from a whole range of emotional problems: anxiety, loneliness, grief over broken relationships, resentment, and feelings of inadequacy. Often they have been struggling with those problems for years. They are people in PAIN. Changes That Heal teaches that there are biblical solutions for your struggles with depression, anxiety, panic, addictions, and guilt, and that these solutions lie in your understanding certain basic developmental tasks. These tasks involve growing up into the "likeness" of the one who created you. Dr. Cloud in this book has identified four aspects of the personality of God that, if we would cultivate them, would greatly improve our day-to-day functioning. God is able to do four things that we, his children, have difficulty doing:
· Bond with others.
· Separate from others.
· Sort out issues of good and bad.
· Take charge as an adult.

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