Character Defects Quiz
Principle 5 - Voluntarily submit to any and all changes God wants to make in my life.
Step 6: We are entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. (James 4:10)
Step 7: We humbly asked him to remove all our shortcomings. I John 1:9)
Descriptions of character defects are to help those who are not sure of what they are feeling or how they see others. Do you have any of these?
INTOLERANCE: "Unwillingness, inability or refusal to accept others" opinions, beliefs or behavior".
MINIMIZING: "Making excuses for or making less of my behavior to make myself and others think I am not THAT bad."
PHONINESS: "Deceiving, being insincere, not being genuine - including emotional phoniness, past or present."
SELF – CENTEREDNESS: "Being overly concerned with my own welfare or interests, having little or no concerns for others - what I want is the most important thing !"
ANGER (Excessive and uncontrollable): 'Temper tantrums and rages."
RESENTMENT: "Sulking, vindictiveness (getting even), re-living emotional hurts and pain."
COVETOUSNESS: "Having an unreasonable desire for things we do not have, such as another's possessions, power, wealth or relationships."
DENIAL: 'Refusing to think about, hear about or admit things I did or said."
FALSE PRIDE: "A form of dishonesty, acting, boasting, or pretending to myself and others that I am better than I actually am."
PROCRASTINATION: "Putting off to some future date something I feel I should have done sooner to avoid unpleasant or undesirable consequences."
SELF – PITY: "Feeling sorry for myself, or continually reviewing my miseries, often blaming others for my troubles."
IMPATIENCE: "Annoyance because of delay or opposition.("I want what I want when I want it.!")
Last Class: Bonding with regular attenders creates anticipcation to be intrigued with one another. It's like watching a great movie, but unexpectedly time runs out and the screen pops up with "to be continued"...........
Disappointment emerges, but is quickly replaced with a craving to come back next week for the drama to be unfolded.
Please come..........and bring a friend.

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