How's your swing?

May 31st
Chapter 11 - Goals and Desires
Walking by faith is a bit like playing golf. Suppose a six-year-old boy has his first set of golf clubs for his birthday. Each time the little fellow tees up his ball and swings away with all his might, but the farthest he can hit the ball is 60 or 70 yards. Although he would probably spray the ball all over the course, let’s say he is typically 15 degrees off target. Given the length of his drive, the boy is probably still in the fairway.
As the boy grows into young adulthood (and into a bigger set of clubs), he’s able to drive the ball 150 yards. Now if his drive is still 15 degrees off target, his ball is probably in the rough. Accuracy is even more important for golfers who can drive a gold ball 300 yards off the tee. The same 15-degree deviation that allowed the little boy to remain in the fairway will send the young mans longer drives soaring out of bounds.
Our Christian walk is the result of what we believe. If our faith is off, our walk will be off. If our walk is off, we need to take a good look at what we believe. For example, suppose the young golfer becomes a Christian at age 10. When he starts his walk, he’s 15 degrees off, and he continues in this way throughout his life. Life eventually gets rougher, and as a grown man he finds himself completely out of bounds. He had always thought he had a good understanding of what constituted success, fulfillment and satisfaction, but now he discovers that what he had always believed about life wasn’t quite true. This is often called midlife crises.
Walking by faith simply means functioning in daily life o the basis of what we believe. In fact, we are already walking by faith - every person alive is. The difference is in what (or whom) we believe. If what we are doing is no longer bearing any fruit, we need to change what we believe, because our misbehavior is the result of what we have chosen to believe.
Principle 8 - Yield myself to be used by God to bring this good news to others,
both by my example and by my words.Step 12: Having had a spiritual experience as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and practice these principles in all our affairs.Scripture: Galatians 6:1 “If someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.”